Sunday, August 30, 2015

What do you know about God or the Savior?

Today was fifth Sunday and we had the obligatory meeting of all the ward members in the same class with instruction for the Bishop.  Today he asked us to fill in the following statement "I know God or the Savior are _______________ and I know that because (scripture, quote or personal story)"

For the next 50 minutes he called on class members to filling the blank, and we listened over and over the to the same reply just said differently "I know God loves me because he forgives me when I fail and sin"

Now you  all know how I hate Sunday school answers....

So here is my challenge;  Fill in the blank.... "I know God or Jesus is __________ because.... "

Some rule changes here though, no repeats.  And we need to share what we know about God and the Savior.

So here is my first one....

I know God is Truthful, because in 60 plus years he has never told me an untruth, not even to comfort me.           So I know his promise to help me return to him is solid, and will always be there for me no matter what I do or how much I fail.

 So you can add it to the comments but it would be better to edit this post....   and remember no repeats, so get your answer posted quickly before it is taken.....  And share what you know, the scripture say "to know him is to love him"


Bel-E-Button said...

The blog settings don't allow others to edit a post that it not their own. I tried to edit and there was no option for that. Sorry, Jim!

Bel-E-Button said...

I know that God is omniscient because His plans for me far exceed the short-sighted plans I have always had for myself. I know that He sees who I need to become by the end of my mortal experience and how that will best be accomplished, so I TRY to trust in His plan for my life. I know that it will include events, blessings, challenges and joys that I never could have imagined for myself and I'm grateful for that!

Pooch said...

I know that God is pure love because every week I witness his forgiving love in my life and in the lives of others that are seeking strength to overcome addictions in their lives as we apply the atonement daily.

Andy said...

I know that God loves me and knows me better than anyone, because as I allow him to be at the helm of my life, he is able to guide me and mold me into someone I never thought I could be, and do things I never thought I could--or would do. As I submit my will over to him and seek the strength to trust and do His will, amazing things happen--things that are tailor made for me and my family in that moment that I never could have imagined possible.

Bel-E-Button said...

I couldn't help but think of your post, Jim, as I listened to Ether 3 the other day. The Brother of Jared's experience with the Lord here is simply incredible! We learn in verse 19, "And because of the knowledge of this man he could not be kept from beholding within the veil; and he saw the finger of Jesus..."
Leaves me thinking "what knowledge did he have that allowed him this privilege???"
If we review the earlier verses in the chapter, the Brother of Jared demonstrates in his conversation with the Lord that he had a correct understanding of the attributes and characteristics of God.
So, if you're looking for more ideas for your Godly attribute, this chapter has some good ones!

Unknown said...

I know that God answers prayers because He has answered mine with very specific and unmistakable answers.

sbelnap said...

I know God is my Heavenly Father because I have always felt his presence and He has always listened to me when I pray. He is my Father who never left, He is my Father who protects me, He is my Father that loves me unconditionally, He is my Father who blesses me more than I am sure I will ever know.