Sunday, November 1, 2015

I was asked to fill in and teach in Elder's Quorum. I have found that this happens a lot and it has truly helped me grow in my ability to teach a decent lesson with minimal preparation.

However, as I began the process of selecting a topic for the lesson today I was lead to a talk about taking steps towards God and the fact that he will take steps towards us. In this particular talk the topic of keeping the Sabbath day holy was addressed.

As I began to recall the last General Conference I realized that this has become a very common theme. I also recalled a local stake meeting where the Stake President told us that all of the issues that were being addressed have been put on hold, and the main focus from the Prophet has become teaching about keeping the Sabbath day holy.

I thought back to the Family Proclamation and realized that this document came forth 20 years before it was needed. I think about the fact that keeping the Sabbath day holy is such a basic fundamental topic and yet many struggle with it.

My thinking is what is going to happen in the future that justifies the need to cause such laser like focus on such a simple topic.

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