Saturday, January 30, 2016

New Princess for the Belnaps!

So we are having a girl..however I have to go in for another ultrasound since miss princess wasn't too cooperative in the last one.So we will let you know if it turns out to be a boy :)

I was a little disappointed when she said it was girl since I wanted a boy, I really wanted a boy. However, by the time we got home I was so excited! We are so excited to have another little princess. Fi will get a sister! We are also excited that we don't have to get any having a girl will save us some money. I think I am more excited about Fi meeting her for the first time in the hospital though. She is going to be in heaven with a new baby in the house.

So since it's a schedule c-section, she will be arriving sometime between June 8th and the 10th.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

An Enlightening Ensign Article...

I read this article from the January 2016 Ensign this morning and found it to be quite enlightening. Elder Pieper shares the three main purposes of mortality--none of which will be a surprise to you, of course--and how we can better fulfill these purposes. I especially liked it because I thought he masterfully exposed the lies and rationalizations used by the adversary and his minions to subtly or not-so-subtly distract us from these purposes or even keep us from them completely.

Elder Pieper said, "Let us avoid the illusions of the precepts of men and cling to the revealed realities given by God so that our journey through mortality may be rich, full and real."

The article allowed me to ponder how much we miss in our mortal experience when we're paralyzed by fear or swayed by false teachings and slip slowly and comfortably into sin, sometimes without even realizing it, because we aren't wholeheartedly pursuing our God-given purposes. It was also clear to me how we miss some of the greatest blessings of eternity this way.

I enjoyed the article so much that I'm going to now watch the devotional from which is was derived here.

Happy Sunday to you all!